Fear of Flying Hypnosis

Your heart's palpitations are thumping strongly inside your chest. Are you having heart disease you might wonder?

Fear of Flying Hypnosis

Your palms are becoming sweaty, your legs think that they are about to give in, and a feeling of light-headedness gets control of you.

You start panicking. So when you do so, the sensations get stronger and stronger. You say to yourself things like, 'I'm planning to pass out!' or even, 'I'm going to DIE!'...

Stop right there!

Instead of filling your mind with thoughts of impending doom. You have to focus on positive statements which will empower you, and help you cope with your fear.

Here are a few excellent statements you can use the next time you are experiencing anxiety around your flying fear:

 These feelings will pass, and it will all be okay. I'm safe.
 I need to decrease, and relax. This is the best way for me to remain calm.
 This feels terrible, but I know that I am sufficiently strong enough to withstand this!
 These feelings cannot hurt me. I'm safe. Even though this feels dangerous, it's not. I know this, it is a fact.
 I've survived this before, and I know I'll be okay. That as well shall pass...

With such statements can help you overcome any panic attack, and can definitely be familiar with bring fast relief for your fear of flying.

Write them down, memorize them, say them often, so they will come out naturally when you wish them.

An internationally renowned expert on overcoming anxiety and banishing phobias desires to help YOU get over your flying fear! His ultra-successful programs have already been featured around the world around the Discovery Health Channel, MSNBC, CNN, and much more.

Fear of Flying Hypnosis